Township of West Lincoln
For Immediate Release December 18, 2020
Update # 31 - West Lincoln moves to Red-Control within the Province’s COVID Framework
West Lincoln, Ont. – December 18, 2020
Today the Ontario Government announced that the Niagara Region Public Health Unit would move to the “Red-Control” classification on the provincial Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework as of Monday December 21st, 2020 at 12:01AM.
"Red-Control" means broader-scale measures and restrictions across multiple sectors to control transmission (return to modified Stage 2).The restrictions are the most severe available before wide scale business or organizational closures. This includes:
Gathering Limits
Effective December 21st, 2020 gathering limits are as follows:
• Events and social gatherings
o 5 people indoors
o 25 people outdoors
• Religious services, weddings and funerals
o Indoors: 30% capacity
o Outdoors: 100 people (50 for funerals)
Safe physical distancing is still required when interacting with individuals outside of your own household.
Township Office
The Township will continue offer access to select services, by appointment only, at the Township Municipal Office, Monday through Friday between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:30 pm. Residents who have scheduled appointments will need to follow posted instructions and wear a face covering, following screening protocols, and provide contact information when entering the Township Office. Please check here for information relating to holiday closures:
West Lincoln Community Centre
The West Lincoln Community Centre will modify existing programming to meet the new maximum capacity requirement of 10 participants for the entire facility.
318 Canborough St. P.O. Box 400
Smithville, ON
L0R 2A0
T: 905-957-3346
F: 905-957-3219
The Walking Track will be open for walking Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 3:00pm only. Use of the track will be by appointment only, in one hour time slots. Members of the public who are not in registered programs or have scheduled appointments will not be permitted into the facility so that capacities are maintained and controlled.
Team or Individual Sports
No game play or scrimmages are allowed at this time, however, skill development and training can continue. Ice users are encouraged to reach out to their organization for additional information. As such, arena permits can continue under the updated criteria below:
• Team sports must not be played except for training (no games or scrimmage). No contact is permitted for team or individual sports.
• Spectators are not permitted to be in the facility, but each person under the age of 18 years who is engaged in activities in the facility may be accompanied by one parent or guardian.
• Arena dressing rooms will be closed and participants must enter the facility rink-ready.
Also, the following ice programs will be on hold: Ladies Shinny, Men’s Shinny, Preschool Skating and Adult Skating.
Please note: The process for new ice rentals continues to be on hold.
West Lincoln Public Library
The Libraries in Smithville, Caistorville and Wellandport will be open regular hours by scheduled appointment only for browsing, computer use, and curbside delivery. All in-person programming has been cancelled.
Mayor Bylsma stated, “It is most unfortunate, but also necessary, that the township must once again adjust our programming to comply with the new provincial regulations. It has been a time of constant change based on ever changing information. To our residents, please do not be discouraged. I am fully aware of the disappointment just before this Christmas and holiday season, however, just as we did with Easter and Thanksgiving, the opportunity to share and encourage one another just takes a little more creativity and compliance.”
Media Contact:
Dave Bylsma
Township of West Lincoln
Bev Hendry
Township of West Lincoln